Printronix T5204r Label Feeding Too Much to the Left
Line Matrix Printers
Corrupted NVRam due to an electrical disturbance
Product: P8000
Symptom: Corrupted NVRam due to an electrical disturbance.
Recommend Solution: Clear the NVRam. This returns the printer to its Factory default state.
Note: This procedure erases any stored configurations. If possible, print or upload a configuration before performing this procedure.
- Turn the printer off. Hold down the [left arrow]+[down arrow] keys at the same time, and turn the printer on. Hold down the buttons for 10-15seconds, then release. When the LCD displays;
PRESS ENTER - Press [Enter]
- Press [left arrow] until MISC. TOOLS is displayed.
- Press [down arrow]
- Press [left arrow] until the display shows; MISC. TOOLS
ERASE ALL NVRAM - Press [Enter]
- Turn the printer off, wait about 10-15 seconds, turn the printer back on.
- Check and adjust printer settings: Coil temp adjust, Phase index, and Paper out dots
- Download or enter any configuration information
Flashing a printer using a USB port
Product: ALL printers with or without a parallel port when Ethernet download is not an option. Please note, USB download is only recommended as a last resort.
Requirement: Flashing a printer using a USB port
Possible Cause: New laptops do not have a parallel port
Recommend Solution
Upgrading the printer's firmware from a USB port requires either an USB-to-Parallel cable, or a USB to USB printer cable (P8000s ship standard with USB). These cables are available from many manufacturers.
Note: Printronix does not supply this cable. Win10/8/7, etc., automatically detects the cable, and installs the driver.
Creating the USB Port:
- Open the properties for any existing printer installed on the PC. View the ports currently installed on the Ports tab. You can spread the width of the Ports column to view the complete name of any USB ports already installed. Make note of the installed USB Ports.
- Connect the USB to Parallel adapter cable to the PC and allow Windows to install the adapter cable driver automatically, or manually install the driver as required. If this is the first USB cable connected, the printer will be assigned device name USB001. If there was already a USB port installed, the adapter cable will be USB002; etc.
Note: It is important to note the PC's physical USB Port you used to create the new port. If you used a different physical port on the PC then a new USB port will be created leading to confusion.
Installing the Required Microsoft Loopback Adapter (Virtual):
Start the Windows hardware installation wizard (Control Panel -> Add Hardware) Windows will look for a new hardware device, but it will fail to find one, as you did not actually add anything. Select "Yes, I have already connected the hardware". Scroll down to the bottom of the list on the next screen to "Add a new hardware device". Select "Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced)" then select "Network Adapters" on the next screen. Select Manufacture -> Microsoft -> Network Adapter -> "Microsoft Loopback Adapter". Select Next, and then Finished.
Firmware Upgrade Procedure:
- Before connecting the "USB to Parallel" cable to the PC USB port see "Creating a USB Port" above. Connect the "USB to Parallel" cable to the PC USB port, and then to the printer.
- Install the "Generic/Text" driver in Windows (if not previously installed).
- In the Generic/Text printer "Properties", select the "Port" tab, and select USB00n for the port.
- In the Generic/Text printer Properties, select the "Sharing tab", click on "Shared as" and note the Share_name of the printer here__________. (used in step 7).
- Get the Computer (PC) name. Go to "Control Panel" and double click on "System". Click on the"Computer Name" tab. Note the Computer_name here__________. (used in step 7).
Associate a virtual parallel port (lpt2) to the Generic/Text printer: - Go to the DOS (command prompt).
- Put the printer into download mode.
- Go to the DOS (command prompt).
- Extract the flash file from the .exe file. It should have a .prg extension.
- Type <enter> (copy/b filename.prg \\computername\sharename)
- There should be a visual indication, on the front panel of the printer, that the download has started.
Cannot use wizard to install Windows Driver
Product: Windows Driver
Symptom: Can't use wizard to install driver to Windows O/S.
Recommend Solution: To manually install the Driver, do the following:
Create a subdirectory to hold the Driver files. Open a DOS CMD window and run the driver setup program with the command line parameter /E dialog window will be displayed asking the user where to extract the Driver files. Point to the previously created subdirectory. After the files are extracted, run the Add Printer Wizard and chose "Have Disk". Point to the subdirectory where the driver files are extracted.
This procedure should install the Driver.
If Windows can't find a file during the Driver install, search a subdirectory for the file Windows is looking for.
Note: Printronix recommends operating on Windows O/S that are fully supported.
Make PDF417 barcode fit a given width using PGL syntax
Product: P8000
Symptom: How to make a PDF417 barcode fit in a given width, using PGL syntax.
Possible Cause:
PDF417 barcode can be programmed to fit within a given space. The Wn parameter, which should set a maximum width, doesn't work for some values of Wn. In these cases, the printing parameters used may result in PGL off-page errors.
Recommend Solution:
The solution is to calculate the X-dimension that is required to produce a barcode with the desired maximum width. If an X-dimension of this value or smaller is used, the Wn parameter can be used to set the barcode maximum width. All printers have a minimum possible width Wn, based on the smallest Xdimension possible for the printer.
The PDF417 barcode must be at least 85 times as wide as the X-dimension. The Wn parameter is intended to force the barcode to be smaller than 'n' tenths of an inch. If a maximum width parameter Wn is smaller than 85 times the X-dimension parameter (or the default value of X-dimension if no parameter is used), then Wn is ignored and the barcode is printed at the default aspect ratio.
PDF417 can be printed on Printronix line matrix printers. The PGL syntax is:
[DIR;][X[D]n;][Y[D]n;] Hn|Wn;]|[ASPECT;h:w;]|[Rn|Cn; [Sn;][BFn;L;][DARK;]SR;SC
(D)data field(D)
The barcode is rectangular, made up of rows and columns. All the columns have the same width. Each row is the height of the "Y" parameter, and each column is 17 times the width of the "X" parameter. Note that Xn measures increments of 1/60″ and Yn measures increments of 1/72″, whereas XDn and YDn measure increments of printhead resolution which depends on the printer being used. The width of the "Xn" or "XDn" parameter is also known as the X-dimension. The X parameter and Y parameter are each optional. The default values are X1 and Y2, so the default X-dimension is 16.7 mils (1/60").
The horizontal and vertical extents of the barcode can be limited in one of the following five ways. Only one of the five parameters is allowed in a given barcode definition. If none of the five are used, the barcode is printed with an aspect ratio (number of rows to number of data columns) of 2:1.
- Hn; Height in 1/10" increments
- Wn; Width in inches in 1/10" increments
- ASPECT;h:w; Aspect ratio, height:width (NOTE: defaults to 2:1 if none of these are used)
- Rn; Number of rows
- Number of data columns (NOTE: each row contains 4 columns of overhead also, so C1 prints 5 total columns)
The barcode may be defined to have a maximum width in inches using the Wn parameter, where the width is n times 0.10". However, there is always a minimum width as well. Every row contains four columns of overhead plus at least one column of data, and each column is exactly 17 times as wide as Xn or XDn. So the maximum width defined in Wn must be equal to or larger than the minimum length needed for data,
Wn >= (5 columns)*(17 X-dimensions per column)*(Xn inches per X-dimension).
When the X-dimension is expressed in printer dots and (dpi) is the dot per inch resolution of the printer,
Wn >= (5 columns *17 X-dimensions per column)*(XDn dots per X-dimension)/(dpi).
The default X-dimension parameter is "X1", where the X-dimension is 1/60" or 0.017". The minimum Wn for an X-dimension of 0.017" would be:
Wn = 5 * 17 * 0.017″ = 1.45″ therefore n=15 rounded up (15 tenths of an inch wide). This means an impact printer with a 16.7 mil hammer tip cannot produce a PDF417 barcode less than 1.45" wide.
If a barcode is printed using a Wn width parameter that does not allow enough room to include at least one data column at the given X-dimension, the Wn is ignored because the output is not possible. In this case, the barcode is printed at the default aspect ratio of two rows to every data column. This does not generate a PGL barcode error, and if the barcode fits on the page it will print. The width of the barcode depends on the data. The printed barcode may be quite a bit wider than the Wn parameter would
indicate, and could even extend off the form, generating a PGL off-page error. The solution is to calculate the maximum X-dimension that generates the desired width, then see if this X-dimension is allowed by design spec or is possible for the printer. It may be necessary to include the proper Xn or XDn parameter along with the Wn parameter to insure that the barcode will print as desired.
Alternate Epson Windows driver setup
Product: P8000
Symptom: Alternate Epson Windows Driver setup
Possible Cause: Resolves some compatibility issues with Windows applications. Recommend solution for Windows Win10/8, etc., to switch the printer to "Epson" mode (from the front panel), Front Panel -> EMULATION -> Lineprinter+ -> Printer Protocol -> Epson*). Don't forget to save it in the Power-up config), and use the "Epson FX-1050" driver that ships with Windows. Note: Win10/8, etc., users select the "Epson FX Series (136)" driver. You should be able to print a good Windows test page.
P8000 print has wavy vertical lines
Product: P8000
Symptom: P8000 print has wavy vertical lines
Possible Cause: Electronic timing value known as "phasing" could be incorrect.
Recommend Solution:
Adjust the printer "phasing" to help create straight vertical lines. You must check and adjust hammer phasing if the controller board is replaced, the shuttle frame assembly is removed, or if the MPU is replaced.
Printing occurs as the shuttle moves horizontally in both directions. A vertical line is plotted by printing a dot as the shuttle moves left-to-right, then advancing paper the height of one dot and putting the next dot beneath the first as the shuttle moves right-to-left.
'Phasing' refers to the delay imposed on the timing of the shuttle's return motion, so that the left-to-right dots and the right-to-left dots line up vertically. The value depends on the electronics in the shuttle, and varies from shuttle to shuttle. If the phasing is not correct, vertical lines will appear wavy or zig-zagged.
A quick test to see if phasing is an issue is to enable the 'Unidirectional' mode in the PRINTER CONTROL menu. In Unidirectional mode, the printer only prints from one direction, so the phasing value is no longer used. Unidirectional print is approximately one-half normal print speed.
- Power on the printer, load paper and set top-of-form.
- If the printer is online, press the ON LINE key to place the printer offline.
"OFFLINE / QUICK SETUP." displays. - On the control panel, press the UP + DOWN keys to unlock the ENTER key.
"ENTER SWITCH UNLOCKED" briefly displays. (If "LOCKED" displays, simply press UP + DOWN again.) - Press the RIGHT key until "OFFLINE / PRINTER CONTROL" displays.
- Press DOWN.
- Press RIGHT until "PRINTER CONTROL / Unidirectional" displays.
- Press DOWN.
- Press RIGHT until "Unidirectional / Enable" displays.
- Press ENTER.
- Press ON LINE twice.
- Print a sample job or print a configuration listing, looking at the vertical strokes.
If print quality does not improve with Unidirectional, then there is some other issue. But if Unidirectional mode clears up the wavy print, disable Unidirectional and adjust the phasing.
P8000 Phase Adjustment: The Phase Printer test is located in the Diagnostics menu. It requires full-width (14 7/8″) paper. The test assumes the shuttle is installed correctly, with the proper gap. Here below is a step by step procedure to adjust the Phase Value in P8000 to resolve wavy vertical lines.
- Make sure the printer is Power ON and paper is loaded.
- Press the ONLINE key to place the printer in the OFFLINE mode.
- Unlock the Front Panel Enter Key (Press UP + DOWN Arrow keys at the same time.)
- Press the Enter Key to Enter in Main Menu.
- Press the RIGHT arrow key and select the main menu "DIAGNOSTICS" by pressing the Enter Key.
- Press the DOWN arrow key to Phase Value and Press Enter key to check the current phase Value.
- It will show the Current Phase value (for example 60*).
- Press the Right Arrow and Left Arrow to Increase or decrease the phase value (For reference, the factory Phase value is referenced on the right side of the Shuttle housing).
- Press the Enter key to select the appropriate phase value.
- Press Cancel Key (X Key) to return the previous menu i.e. Phase value and go to the PHASE PRINTER test by pressing UP Key and press Enter Key.
- Printer will print the "H" Pattern test with the old Phase value mentioned at Left side of the H pattern and after that from 2nd line it will print the H pattern with current selected Value.
- Check the Vertical lines of the "H". If it is perfectly straight as required then leave it as it is saved once you taken the Phase printer test.
- If the vertical line of "H" is still wavy then go to step 4 through 10 till the right phase value is set.
- Record the new phase value, in reference to the factory phase setting shown on the right of the Shuttle housing, for future reference when there may be a need to replace a controller board or update the firmware.
A possible testing scenario would be to start at a low phase (20) and test in increments of +20 until the quality improves. Then start a second test just below the point where the print quality improved, with an increment of +5, until the print quality shows improvement. A third pass with an increment of +1 could be taken from that point.
What cable do I use to connect a Printer to the Serial port on my PC?
Product: P8000
Symptom: What cable do I use to connect my printer to the Serial port on my PC?
Recommend Solution:
Printer Serial port cable pinouts to an IBM-PC or equivalent.
PC-DB9 Printer-DB9
*RX 2 ─────┐
*TX 3 ─────X-──── 2 RX
└───── 3 TX
RTS 7 ┐
CTS 8 ┘
DSR 6 ─────────── 4 DTR
GND 5 ─────────── 5 GND
PC-DB25 Printer-DB9
TX 2 ────────── 2 RX
RX 3 ────────── 3 TX
RTS 4 ┐
CTS 5 ┘
DSR 6 ────────── 4 DTR
GND 7 ────────── 5 GND
* 2 & 3 are crossed.
Note: Preferred handshake protocol is Xon-Xoff. Cable configuration will also work with DTR hardware handshake. Refer to printer manual for specific printer setups.
Troubleshooting a false paper out error.
Product: P8000
Symptom: Troubleshooting a false paper out error.
Possible Cause: The form has black writing on the back side of the form.
Recommend Solution:
The paper out sensor on the P8000 series printer is an optical sensor. If you are printing a pre-printed form that has writing on the back (think similar to a car rental contract) it will interfere with the paper out sensor, and cause a false paper out front panel error.
The solution is to order the 'Black Back Sensor' kit (part number 257976-001 ) from Printronix. This kit contains a replacement paper out sensor that accepts black back forms, as well as plain paper.
How to I configure the IP address on my printer?
Product: P8000
Symptom: How to I configure the IP address on my printer?
Recommend Solution:
The PrintNet IP address settings are set from the printer control panel. The procedure is described below.
You can set three IP parameters from the printer control panel. These parameters are located under the Network Setup menu. The available parameters are:
- IP Address
- Subnet Mask
- Gateway
Prior to attempting to change any IP Address settings, DHCP needs to be set to DISABLE. The procedure for changing any of the parameters is the same. The procedure for changing the IP Address is given here as an example. Use the same procedure for the other IP parameters.
- Make sure the printer is on and paper is loaded.
- Press the ONLINE key
to place the printer in the OFFLINE mode
- Unlock the Panel. (UP △+ DOWN ▽ Arrow keys at the same time.)
- Press the ENTER key to Menus
- Press the ENTER key to "NETWORK SETUP"
- Press the ENTER key to "Etherent Address"
- Press the DOWN ▽ key to "IP Assignment"
- Press the ENTER key to "IP Assignment"
- Press the RIGHT
key to "DHCP Enable " changed to "DHCP Disable"
- Press the ENTER key to "DHCP Enable* "
- Press the ONLINE key
until the Printer reboot
- When the printer finished reboot, Press the ONLINE key
to place the printer in the OFFLINE mode
- Unlock the Panel. (UP △+ DOWN ▽ Arrow keys at the same time.)
- Press the ENTER key to Menus
- Press the ENTER key to "NETWORK SETUP"
- Press the ENTER key to "Ethernet Address"
- Press the ENTER key to "IP Address"
- Press the LEFT
arrow key to select the segment of the IP Address to be changed.
- Press the UP △+ DOWN ▽ Arrow keys to select the desired value
- When the IP address finished changed, press the ENTER key return to "IP Address"
- To program "Subnet Mask" and "Gateway address, you will be returned to step 18 to 20 .
- When all parameters finished changed , you will be returned to step 11
The Ethernet configuration is global to the printer, and takes effect after rebooting the printer.
My paper or label size is not listed in my Windows driver
Product: P8000
Symptom: My paper/label size is not listed in my Windows driver.
Possible Cause: The windows driver defaults to standard paper sizes.
Recommend Solution: Create a custom paper size in Windows.
To CREATE a custom form, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Control Panel, double-click Printers.
- Highlight the printer. On the File menu, click Print Server Properties.
- On the Forms tab, select the Create a New Form check box.
- Enter the settings for the new form.
NOTE: When you set up a custom form, the margins, length, and width, cannot exceed the specifications for the installed printer. Printable regions must be adhered to with regard to margin limits for the printer and driver in use. - Click Save Form or OK.
To USE the new form as the default form, follow these steps:
- In Control Panel, double-click Printers.
- Right-click the printer you want to select, and then click Properties.
- On the General tab, click Printing Preferences.
- Click Advanced, and then in the Paper Size dropdown menu, select the custom form size.
- Click OK.
To use the new form from a PROGRAM, follow these steps:
- In the program, click Print.
- In the Print dialog box, click Properties.
- In the Paper Size box, click the new form
My printer will not print
Product: P8000
Symptom: My printer will not print
Probable Cause: AC Power, OFFLINE, Communications, Host Status
Recommend Solution:
- AC Power
- Make sure the power cord is plugged into a known live power source.
- Check the printer's control panel to see if any lights or LED's are on. Do you hear any noise from the printer's cooling fan?
- Check the printer's control panel to see what message(s) appear on the LCD display.
- Check the printer's control panel to confirm that the LCD display reads "ONLINE"
- If the display reads "OFFLINE" then press the ONLINE key.
- Data Cable(s)
- Check the rear of the printer to see if the data cable(s) are plugged in.
There are primarily 4 types of Connections with associated cables:
- Network – this cable looks like a telephone jack you would see in your home but slightly larger. It has 2 lights (LED's) on the RJ45 connector.
If you have a network cable, check the two status LED's. When the Network Interface Card (NIC) is working normally, one of the LED's will be on solid green, while the other will blink On/Off in 2 second intervals.
- Parallel – also known as Centronics. Parallel connectivity is optional for the P8000.
- Serial – also known as RS-232 has a 9-Pin (DB-9) connector
- Internal Self Test
- Run an internal self test on the printer
- Confirm that the self test page contains readable text and or graphics.
- Error Message
- Check the LCD on the control panel for any error messages.
- If the LCD reads "Paper Out" or "Paper Not Detected" then load paper.
- If the LCD reads "Paper Jam" then remove all paper from the printer, and reload.
- Check the Administrator's Manual for a complete list of error messages.
- Host Data
- Check the print job status on your host (sending) computer. Does it show a print job in progress or no jobs waiting?
- If a print job is waiting then press the ONLINE key, the LCD will read OFFLINE/Data In Buffer
eject the last page of the print job.
- Printer Reset
- Turn the printer off, wait 30 seconds then turn the power back on.
- Check to see if there are lights on, no error messages on the LCD.
- If none of the above steps resolves the issue please call Printronix Technical Support
Why does my IP address keep changing?
Product: P8000
Symptom: Why does my IP address keep changing?
Probable Cause: When your IP address has changed, it's usually a result of your static IP address being over-written when one or more of the following network protocols are active:
DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol), BOOTP (Bootstrap Protocol), RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol)
Recommend Solution:
To correct this, please make the changes discussed in the procedure below:
To assign a static IP address, turn off rarp, bootp and dhcp on the adapter.
Procedure for 10/100base PrintNet
1. Telnet to the adapter. Login = root, password = [enter key]
Telnet commands are;
store tcpip 1 opts -rarp -bootp -dhcp
Wait 2 minutes for the adapter to reset.
Enter in the IP address, Subnet Mask and Gateway (if required) from the front panel.
Alternately, using WebIP to disable as shown below with printer IP address
How do I unlock the control panel?
Product: P8000
To unlock the control panel on the P8000, press the UP and DOWN arrow buttons at the same time.
Is the P8000 IEC 62368 Compliant?
Effective December 20, 2020, safety regulations as stated in IEC 60950-1 and 60065 standards were withdrawn and replaced by IEC 62368. Printronix P8000 printers have been tested, passed, and compliant with IEC 62368. Europe, Canada, and the United States of America have all adopted the IEC 62368.
Can the P8000 support QR Code?
Yes. The P8000 can support QR Codes via barcode command within PGL and image. When printing QR Codes via image (I.e. PDF with embedded QR Code image), it is recommended to perform testing to ensure readability. If assistance is needed, contact your in-region Printronix Technical Support.
Does the P8000 need surge protection?
It is optional, dependent on the condition of the powerline connected to the P8000. Printronix printers have all been certified by UL and CB to have passed their rigorous testing. We do recommend that our users also consider IEEE and NEMA ( ) recommendations for uninterruptable operation by adding a surge protector or conditioners for AC power against brown out, lightning strikes, and other events that can cause a power surge on the electrical grid. This is especially important for regions with known issues.
Is P8000 free from the Log4j vulnerability?
Printronix P8000 and S809/S828 printer firmware nor our PrintNet Enterprise (PNE) software utilizes the Log4j object library.
Please see our statement.
Software Solutions
Using PrintNet Enterprise to transfer data files for printing
Using PrintNet Enterprise to transfer data files for printing
Product: All, PrintNet Enterprise
How can PrintNet Enterprise be used to transfer data files for printing?
Possible Cause
Use the macro facility of PrintNet Enterprise to send data files to the printer to be printed.
IMPORTANT: This is not the way to download flash files or program files.
Recommend Solution
The macro feature of PrintNet Enterprise Suite can be used to print a data file by sending the file over Ethernet or serial COM1 to a printer.
In the 'File' menu, select 'Preferences'.
In the Preferences window that pops up, select the 'Macro Setting' tab.
If using Ethernet:
On the 'Macro Setting' tab, on the 'General' subtab, set 'Printer Port' to "Network"
Check the box labeled "Use selected network printer"
or on the 'Network' subtab fill in the Ethernet address to always use.
If using serial:
On the 'Macro Setting' tab, on the 'General' subtab, set 'Printer Port' to "COM1"
On the 'Serial' subtab, set the serial properties.
Click "OK".
To set up a file to print:
Select your printer.
Open the menu 'Utilities'
Select 'Macro Utility'.
On one of the macro lines, press the button labeled 'Configure'.
In the window that pops up:
Check 'Print from file'
Press the 'Browse' button.
Browse and select your file to print.
Click "OK".
Note that the button labeled with a macro number changes to display the file name.
To print the file, press the button displaying the file name.
If you save the PNE configuration, the macro menu will be set up for you for next time.
TCP-IP printing from (Open) VMS
TCP-IP printing from (Open) VMS
Product: PrintNet ALL
TCP/IP printing from (Open) VMS
Recommend Solution
Use TELNETSYM for printing.
(Note: Do not use DCPS as it requires a Postscript printer).
The setup of the queue should be:
INIT/QUEUE name /ON=vmsnode::"ip-addr:9100″ /PROCESSOR=UCX$TELNETSYM /START
Where ip-addr is the IP address of the printer, and 9100 is the port number.
Sometimes there is a need to change the ucx$telnetsym to an 8-bit clean raw TCP type connection with the command:
Sometimes the print queue stalls if the job is spooled for more than 3 minutes.
To resolve this problem put the VMS commands:
into the VMS host's startup file. This command can also be typed in at the VMS prompt to set the retry interval without having to reboot the host.
If using TCPIP V5 or greater, the following also works;
$ init –
/que queue_name –
/on=VMSnode::"ip-addr:9100" –
Tru64 Unix TCP-IP Network Printing using socket connection
Tru64 Unix TCP-IP Network Printing using socket connection
Product: P7000, SL/T5000, SL/T4M with PrintNet
Tru64 Unix TCP/IP Network Printing using socket connection
Recommend Solution
The PrintNet adapter uses port 9100.
Requires Tru64 UNIX V4.0a or later.
Example printcap file:
Replace /usr/lbin/printfilter with the appropriate print filter. Compaq recommends the Generic filter.
The printer_ip_name is the printer name in the etc/hosts file or the IP address of the printer.
The /etc/services file must be updated to include the printer port/socket number. In this example the printer uses port 9100 so the following /etc/services entry was added.
port_9100 9100/tcp
Important: The name port_9100 is user definable. If a 9100/tcp entry exists, use the name previously defined. Don't create a second entry. The port number is printer specific. The PrintNet
Configuring a printer on a Tandem host via TCPIP
Configuring a printer on a Tandem host via TCPIP
Product: P7000, SL/T5000, SL/T4M with PrintNet
Configuring a printer on a Tandem host via TCPIP.
Recommend Solution
Tandem systems support LPR printing via TCP/IP. Below is an example setup.
In the example below, the most important parts are the PORT and the QUEUENAME fields. The PORT
must equal 515, which is the LPR port, and the QUEUENAME must equal a destination on the PrintNet
1024 (%2000)
Configuring Email alerts
Configuring Email alerts
Product: ALL with PrintNet
Configuring Email alerts
Recommend Solution
Power on the printer.
Type in "telnet <IP ADDRESS>" and press enter.
Type in as username "root" and press 2 × enter.
Type in "set logpath l1 port email" and press enter.
Type in "set dest d1prn logpath l1" and press enter.
Type in "set sysinfo email <username>@<ipaddress mail server>" and press enter.
<username> is the name before the @ sign for example then the username is
<ipaddress mail server> is the ipaddress of the mail server that can handle SMTP mail.
Type in "set logpath l1 type job user ioport cksum printer" and press enter.
job : this will sent regarding job ID, username, etc
user : user ID with three messages per job about start and finish
cksum : 16-bit checksum value to confirm integrity of data printed
printer : for special printer feedback
ioport : printer error messages determined through the parallel port pins
Type in "save" and press enter.
Type in "reset" and press enter.
Last page does not eject from printer
Last page does not eject from printer
Product: PrintNet
Last page does not eject from printer, and interface is Ethernet using the PrintNet adapter.
Possible Cause
Job could be missing a final 'form feed' command.
Recommend Solution
Add a form feed using the 'trailer' feature.
The PrintNet adapter has eight data ports, 9100 through 9107.
Each port has a "destination" (or "queue"), and each destination has a "model".
By default, port 9100 is assigned destination/queue name "d1prn" and model "m1".
The model defines how the print job will be processed as it passes through to the printer.
Models are a set of filters that can be used to modify the print data stream.
The model can be assigned a "trailer" consisting of a form feed. When the Ethernet port closes, a form feed will be issued and the print job will eject paper to the next top-of-form.
It is easy to assign a form feed with a web browser. Using telnet, a complex string of hex bytes or variables can be programmed and documented.
METHOD 1 – browser:
Log into the NIC using a web browser. The web address is the IP of the NIC.
Select 'Configuration' and log in.
The user name is 'root', without the quotes, in lower case.
The password is blank; just ignore the field.
Select 'Print Model'.
Verify the model ("m1" is the default model for port 9100)
Pick the 'formfeed' trailer from the pull-down list.
NOTE: Erase the trailer by setting all trailer values to NULL at this point.
Press the 'Submit' button at the bottom of the page.
Select 'System' menu function at the top of the page.
Press 'Reboot' button. Indicate that you are sure by pressing 'Yes'.
METHOD 2 – telnet:
[Note: Type the values in single quotes, not the quotes themselves, and press Enter.]
Open a telnet session with the NIC.
Open a DOS window ( and/or run telnet using the IP address of the NIC.
Login name is 'root' in lower case, password is empty (Enter key only).
To see the current trailer for model m1, type 'list model m1'.
To set a trailer of "form feed" for model m1, type 'set model m1 trailer 0x0c'
0x0c is the numerial value of a form feed character
"Form feed" is also pre-defined as variable $FF, so you could type 'set model m1
trailer $FF'
To clear the trailer for m1, type 'set model m1 trailer'
After making all changes, type 'save' then type 'reset'.
The NIC will reset and the printer will cycle power.
Migrate flash files between printers
Migrate flash files between printers
Product: ALL PrintNet
Migrate flash files between printers. Flash file can contain TrueType font, stored form, CST, etc.
Possible Cause
Use Printnet Enterprise Suite, v3.12D or later.
Recommend Solution
You may wish to transfer some stored files between printers, such as TrueType fonts, stored forms or a CST bundle. The files to be transferred must be compatible with the destination printer.
In order to transfer the files, use the Flash File Manager feature of PrintNet Enterprise Suite. Collect the file or files from the source printer, and save into a file that is stored on the PC running PrintNet Enterprise Suite. Then the saved file can be copied to one or more printers using PrintNet Enterprise Suite.
In PrintNet Enterprise Suite, select the 'from' printer having the desired files.
In the 'Applications' menu, open 'Flash File Manager', and press the 'Get File Info' button.
Mark all the files to save, by using Ctrl-left-click with the mouse.
Press the 'Upload' button to upload the files to the host PC.
Press the 'Save As' button to give a filename to the saved set of files from the printer. Make sure the file has an extension of PFF.
Close the 'Flash File Manager' window.
Attach a Download icon to the 'to' printer that will be getting the files.
Double click the Download icon and browse to the saved flash file with the extension PFF located on the PC running PrintNet Enterprise Suite. Close the Download icon window.
Select the 'to' printer.
In the 'Applications menu', open 'File Download'.
Verify that the 'Flash Files' file-type box is the only one checked.
Press the 'Start' button to start the download.
Close the 'File Download' window when the operation is complete.
Check printer contents by accessing the 'Flash File Manager' window or the Stored File
List section of the configuration on the destination printer.
Need to switch emulations
Need to switch emulations
Product: PrintNet
Need to switch emulations, and interface is Ethernet using the PrintNet adapter.
Recommend Solution
Save multiple configurations, each with its own emulation. Then assign eachconfiguration to one of the 'print models' in the PrintNet adapter.
The PrintNet adapter has eight data "ports", 9100 through 9107.
Each port has a "destination" (or "queue"), and each destination has a "model".
By default, port 9100 is assigned destination/queue name "d1prn" and model "m1".
The model defines how the print job will be processed as it passes through to the printer.
Models are a set of filters that can be used to modify the print data stream.
The model can be assigned one of the eight saved configurations "1" through "8", or the factory configuration, represented by "0". When a job comes in on the port to which that model is assigned, the appropriate configuration is loaded before printing starts. Any config can be assigned to any model.
For example, save a PGL configuration as #1 and a ZGL configuration as #2.
Then set model m1 with config 1, and set model m2 with config 2.
Then, when the user prints to IP:9100 or prints to destination d1prn, config 1 will load and the printer will be configured for PGL.
On the other hand, when the user prints to IP:9101 or to destination d2prn, config 2 will load and the printer will be in ZGL mode.
METHOD 1 – browser:
Log into the NIC using a web browser. The web address is the IP of the NIC.
Select 'Configuration' and log in.
The user name is 'root', without the quotes, in lower case.
The password is blank; just ignore the field.
Select 'Print Model'.
Verify the model ("m1" is the default model for port 9100)
Pick the Configuration Number from the pull-down list.
Allowable values are 1-8, Factory, (None)
Press the 'Submit' button at the bottom of the page.
Select 'System' menu function at the top the of page.
Press 'Reboot' button. Indicate that you are sure by pressing 'Yes'.
METHOD 2 – telnet:
[Note: Type the values in single quotes, not the quotes themselves, and press Enter.]
Open a telnet session with the NIC.
Open a DOS window ( and/or run telnet using the IP address of the NIC.
Login name is 'root' in lower case, password is empty (Enter key only).
To see the current config for model m1, type 'list model m1'.
To set model m1 to config #1, type 'set model m1 config 1'
There is no space in "m1" but there is a space in "config 1"
To set model m1 to config #4, type 'set model m1 config 4'
Do not load a configuration that has not been saved yet!
To set model m1 to the factory config, type 'set model m1 config 0'
To clear the config for m1, type 'set model m1 config'
After making all changes, type 'save' then type 'reset'.
The NIC will reset and the printer will cycle power.
How to capture an electronic job file
How to capture an electronic job file
Product: All
How to capture an electronic job file using PrintNet Enterprise Suite
Possible Cause
When the user wants to troubleshoot a problem and cannot generate an electronic job file in another way, such as from a mini/mainframe environment
Recommend Solution
Start PrintNet Enterprise Suite version 3.12D or greater.
Select the printer by right-clicking on its name in the database window.
Select the menu 'Applications'.
In 'Applications', select 'Job Capture'.|
A message box should appear, saying "Connecting to printer"
If you fail to connect, check the value of 'Debug Port' or 'PNE Port', which must be set to "Ethernet".
When the Job Capture window pops up:
Optionally, select menu 'Options', and disable printing. The printer will accept the job so the capture will take place, but no printing will occur.
Select menu 'Capture' and select 'Data From'. Pick the interface over which the data is entering the printer.
Select 'Start' from the 'Capture' menu. An information block on the status bar along the bottom of the window reads "Capture: On", then "Capture: Idle".
When a job is sent to the printer, the number of bytes received is accumulated in the status bar, but the data contents are not displayed in real-time.
When the capture is stopped, by using 'Capture' menu and 'Stop', the accumulated data contents are displayed. The file can be saved using the 'File' menu.
How to capture an electronic configuration listing
How to capture an electronic configuration listing
Product: All
How to capture an electronic configuration listing using PrintNet Enterprise Suite
Possible Cause
When an electronic copy of a configuration listing is desired, or it is necessary to get the configuration remotely.
Recommend Solution
Start PrintNet Enterprise Suite version 3.12D or greater.
Select the printer by right-clicking on its name in the database window.
Select the menu 'Applications'.
In 'Applications', select 'Information Capture'.
A message box should appear, saying "Connecting to printer"
If you fail to connect, check the value of 'Debug Port' or 'PNE Port', which must be set to "Ethernet".
When the Information Capture window pops up:
Select menu 'Configuration Printout'
Select 'Current', or the desired configuration to capture.
Select menu 'File' and select 'Save As' to save the configuration as a text file, or capture part or all of the text with a mouse and copy it into a word processor such as Notepad.
NOTE: PrintNet Enterprise doesn't save line feeds, just carriage returns, so the text runs together in the output file. To save the files with line feeds, on a Windows system and Word 2003, do the following:
Select the menu 'File', and select 'Save As' from the 'File' menu.
Name the file with an extension of .TXT
Open the saved file in Word as an MS-DOS type.
Save the file as an MS-DOS type, and check the box that says "Insert Line Breaks"
Wireless troubleshooting using the E-Net test page.
Wireless troubleshooting using the E-Net test page.
Product: Wireless PrintNet ALL
Wireless troubleshooting using the E-Net test page.
Recommend Solution
Print the E-Net test page.
(P7000) Front Panel -> DIAGNOSTICS -> Printer Tests -> Ethernet Test -> Enter
(SL/T5000r) Front Panel -> Test Print -> Ethernet Test -> Enter
(SL/T4M) Front Panel -> DIAGNOSTICS -> Printer Tests -> Ethernet Test -> Enter
A. Quality (Signal Strength) = 0%
This indicates that the radio card is not communicating with the Access Point (AP).
SSID incorrect. (The SSID is case sensitive)
Encryption is not enabled.
Missing/loose radio card. (Check the driver listed in the E-Net test page)
Antenna connection in wrong position (LA-5137 radio)
Wrong IP address, or dhcp should be enabled.
Register the MAC address in the AP's MAC access table. (only if the AP is using a MAC table)
Defective radio card.
Defective Antenna.
Defective PrintNet assy.
B. Quality > 1-100%, Status = dis-associated.
This indicates that the radio card is communicating with the access point, but has not yet been authenticated by the AP.
Wrong WEP key (if using WEP encryption)
WEP default key not selected (if using WEP encryption)
WPA mode disabled. (if using TKIP/AES cipher)
WPA Cipher incorrect. (TKIP/AES cipher only)
Wrong passphrase (TKIP/AES cipher only)
Wrong Authentication method. (open/shared)
Radio card, or printer software, does not support the type of encryption that is used on the AP.
C. Quality > 1-100%, Status = associated, but cannot ping the device.
This indicates that the radio card is communicating with the access point, and has been authenticated by the AP, but an additional layer of security is implemented.
Register the MAC address in the AP's MAC access table. (only if the AP is using a MAC table)
Register the device on the RADIUS server (only if using a radius server).
Add the device to the list of approved devices on the network Switches/Routers. (rare)
Increase the negotiation timeout on the AP (Cisco).
Do not connect the wired adapter to the network (Dual nic installation only)
AIX Print jobs restart or queue goes down.
AIX Print jobs restart or queue goes down.
Product: PrintNet ALL
AIX Print jobs restart or queue goes down.
Possible Cause
The default remote queue timeout setting is too low.
Recommend Solution
If the queue is set up for "standard processing", (not local filtering),
add a -T50 flag to rembak in the queue device stanza for the
queue in /etc/qconfig
backend = /usr/lib/lpd/rembak -T50
If the queue was set up for local filtering edit the file
/usr/lib/lpd/pio/etc/piorlfb and change the line;
typeset piorlfb_rbflags=""
typeset piorlfb_rbflags="-T50″
I forgot my PrintNet login password
I forgot my PrintNet login password
Product: PrintNet ALL
I forgot my PrintNet login password.
Possible Cause
Occasionally a user will set a 'root' user password on the PrintNet adapter, and then forget it.
Recommend Solution
P7000 series printer.
Turn the printer ON, Go [offline], and unlock the front panel (up and down arrow keys at the same time, release).
Press all four arrow keys (up, down, prev, next) at the same time, and release.
Right arrow to "PRINTER MGMT".
Down arrow, and then right arrow to "E-NET to DEFAULT".
Press [enter].
Re-program the IP address information from the front panel. Unfortunately steps 1-5 also clears the IP address information and sets the adapter back to factory defaults.
SL/T5000"r" series printer.
Turn the printer ON, Go [offline], and unlock the front panel (up and down arrow keys at the same time, release).
Press all four key [Job Select]+[Feed]+[Test Print]+[Cancel] at the same time, and release.
Down arrow to "E-NET to DEFAULT".
Press [Enter].
Re-program the IP address information from the front panel. Unfortunately steps 1-4 also clears the IP address information and sets the adapter back to factory defaults.
SL/T4M series printer.
Turn the printer ON, Go [offline], and unlock the front panel, [Down button] + [Enter] keys at the same time, release.
Press all four button keys at the same time, and release.
Down button to "E-NET to DEFAULT".
Press [Enter].
Re-program the IP address information from the front panel. Unfortunately steps 1-4 also clears the IP address information and sets the adapter back to factory defaults.
TCP Port Busy error message
TCP Port Busy error message
Product: PrintNet ALL
"TCP Port Busy" error message. Cannot access the printer via the PrintNet Enterprise Software.
Possible Cause
The Printer needs to have the "PNE Port" option set to "Ethernet".
Recommend Solution
Enable the PNE Port on the printer.
SL5000r/T5000r series:
Unlock the front panel, and press the menu key until PRINTER MGMT is displayed. Press the [down arrow] key until "PNE Port" is displayed. Press the [right arrow] key until "Ethernet*" is displayed, press [Enter]. This change is global to the printer, and
takes effect immediately.
P7000 series printer:
Unlock the front panel, and press the [right arrow] key until PRINTER MGMT is displayed. Press the [down arrow] key until "PNE Port" is displayed. Press the [right arrow] key until "Ethernet*" is displayed, press [Enter]. This change is global to the
printer, and takes effect immediately.
SL4M, T4M:
First 'Enable' "Admin User" under the PRINTER SETUP front panel menu. Under the INTERFACES menu, go to sub-menu 'Printer Mgmt', and press [Enter]. Set the PNE Port = Ethernet*. This change is global to the printer, and takes effect immediately.
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